Monday, 2 September 2024

A lot of miles, a lot of rain, and little to see!

A very heavy and prolonged mid morning shower, followed by a few lighter and shorter showers. The breeze picked up at lunchtime and freshened slightly from the west in the afternoon.

South shore
If I wanted to get as soaked as possible, I couldn't have timed my walk any better! (Malcolm). The morning rain was just beginning as I got to the saltmarsh, it lashed it down all the while I was on the shore, then eased as I returned to the saltmarsh.
This Mute Swan was grounded just out from the saltmarsh as I set off

It hadn't moved all the while I was on the shore,
then headed off north as the rain eased

A mixed flock of 71 Ringed Plover and 58 Dunlin were feeding high up the shore.
Grey Plover 6 summer plumage birds were the only waders along the waterline, and they left quickly.
Knot 3 resting halfway up the shore
Oystercatcher 300 resting in two groups
Curlew 50 scattered around
Shelduck 5 together flew south

Linnet 12 on the saltmarsh 
Robin 1 grounded along the rocks on the east of the saltmarsh (not normally one here)
Rock Pipit 2 along foreshore 
Wheatears 10 along the foreshore 

Janet checked Red Nab and the foreshore after lunch. By that time there was only 1 Rock Pipit and 3 Wheatears. But she got some nice shots.
Rock Pipit



Juvenile Ringed Plover

Oystercatchers at Red Nab

In the Nature Park 
Red Admiral 


I had a (mercifully dry) walk along the sea wall after it reopened this evening (closed during weekdays for maintenance).
Mediterranean gulls 18 - 15 adult and a 1st calendar year resting on the beach by the wooden jetty. Another 1st calendar year feeding on No.1 outfall and another adult between the outfalls.
Six adult Meds resting on the beach by the wooden jetty

Wheatear 1 near the lighthouse, so a minimum of 11 today