Thursday, 6 April 2023

First Razorbill of the year and a Gannet

Overnight rain stopped before dawn. A fresh west wind with just a touch of north in it by the afternoon.

Pete and Jean checked the sea, report from Pete:
Heysham sea 1000-1100: 
Razorbill 2 (first records for 2023)
Guillemot 1 
plus 1 Razorbill/Guillemot 
Gannet 1
Common Scoter 5
Kittiwake 17 - 2 plus 13 and 2 x  2cy Kittiwake still on pipe in harbour.  
3 Meadow Pipit 
Sand Martin 1 north over sea through scope.  
Spike of Turnstone 275 and Redshank 750 heliport until everything flushed by unknown presumed mammalian predator - mustilid?

South Shore (MD)
A very quick check of the foreshore early morning located just:
Wheatear 4
Linnet 9

I walked my daughter's dog along the sea wall just after high water in the afternoon 
Dunlin 75 on Red Nab
A few of the Dunlin
Kittiwake 1 adult on No.2 outflow plus the 2 x 2nd calendar year in the harbour. This is the adult feeding near the sea wall.

Common Gull 3 x 2nd calendar year 
Common gull and Kittiwake 

Herring gull (left) and Common gull

Shag 1 immature on wooden jetty - first record for a while
Rock Pipit 2 - 1 along sea wall plus 1 above nest site near lighthouse 

Heysham Nature Reserve 
A friend of Janet's has leant her a camera, so Janet went to the reserve to get used to it.
Male Greenfinch

Male Blackcap 
It was good to see a nice splash of colour

Snakes Head Fritillary, including the alba variant 

White (alba) Fritillary

Hoverfly (Drone-Fly?) on gorse

Also on gorse, a Seven-spot Ladybird, and just to its right
a small (unidentified) spider. You may need to open the shot to see it.