Monday 20 April 2020

Good (under current restrictions) passage coverage

Another sunny day with NE breeze

A combination of well timed exercise walks and Pete taking advantage of a necessary visit to the area to do a spot of scanning, meant there were checks of the sea from 06:30 to 15:30, albeit with significant gaps.
Little gull 2 adult heading for Lune estuary
Gannet 3 adult in
Red-Throated Diver 3 separate birds in
Sandwich terns at least 5 around area seen on outflows, harbour mouth, Half Moon Bay and Heysham skeer.
Thanks for picture Kevin
Whimbrel 16
Arctic Tern - between 425  and 475 flying through the bay, the number depends on how many lingered in the inner bay - the data suggests that there were none, other than a bit of feeding, so likely minimum of c475

Dunlin c100 Red Nab
Little Egret 6 Red Nab, later 5 by outflows
Knot c2,700 old heliport wall
Wheatear 2
Swallow 30+
House Martin 3