Monday, 30 November 2020

Hen Harrier passes (chased) through

The wind freshened and had moved first SW then West. Heavy showers with, mainly, light rain in between.

First, a few earlier records from Pete(M)
Twite - 5 small birds flew past heliport on Friday. The only calls heard were Twite, so at very least one.
Cetti's warbler at least two singing on Middleton - Sunday
Grey wagtail 3 together on Middleton - Sunday

Merlin 1 female ruined the attempt to read more Knot rings on the heliport. All the Knot flushed to the south.
Pintail 6 out
Kittiwake 1 adult behind the ferry.

South shore (MD)
Hen Harrier - 09:45. Unfortunately it was raining and my optics and camera were stashed away. I'd just reached the slipway to the saltmarsh, two Carrion Crows were chasing a brown raptor east along the northern boundary of the saltmarsh, then SE over the caravans and out of sight. I just managed to get my binoculars out and on it in time to confirm it was a ring tail. 
Linnet 5 - they have been scarce since the small raptors have been active
Rock Pipit 2
Common Snipe 25 lifted from the saltmarsh, probably by the marginal tide.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick look at the "no swimming" pond
Mute 1 adult
Coot 5
Moorhen 2
Little Grebe 1
Gadwall 26
Tufted 1 male
Shoveller 2 male
Both Shoveller were constantly preening,
but this one is pretty much out of eclipse now