Sunday, 25 February 2018

Another suitable Velvet viewing day

Velvet Scoter - present off Heysham for much of the day on the neap low tide see n from Knowlys Road mid am (80x best!), from the chapel at 1300hrs (good views with 50 x), then long range views from Knowlys at 1500hrs (30 x)
Iceland Gull - 3rd W waterfall area late am
Chough - on and off in the first field during the day
Pochard - 2 drake Middleton

Skylark - 1 south
Whooper Swan - flock of 19 north over the sea
Water Rail - 1+ Middleton
Coot - still one at Middleton
Gadwall - 17
Teal - 25
Tufted Duck - 3
Diver spp - one distant but probably Red-throated Diver