Heysham Obs
With the sea it was a case of 'better have a look just in case' and the answer, after an early Arctic Skua, was negative until the inevitable decent record per four-five hours of dross (for the third observer-shift) materialised in our second Dark-bellied Brent Goose flock of the spring - presumably SW Furness departees. Thanks Andrew.
The other 'decent' record involved a rather large and grey Willow Warbler. This was caught during some guying-up of mist net rides at Middleton which had been flooded out during the winter. Unfortunately the mobile phone pic did not come out (three hands needed!).
Dark-bellied Brent Goose - flock of 7 NE into the Bay (thanks Andrew)
Whimbrel - 3 NE
Arctic Skua - dark morph on, then in
Swallow passage - virtually zilch - 5/hr
Wheatear - 6 Ocean Edge and area
Whinchat - female Middleton NR late am
Willow Warbler - large grey bird ringed along with two other presumed migrants
Sedge Warbler - 'impression' of migrants at Middleton with four ringed in a short time