SW wind drifting more westerly by the afternoon. Mainly overcast with some light showers.
Just my morning high water check of Red Nab and Saltmarsh area and Howard's check of the Heliport so far (MD)
Chiffchaff 1 near small anemometer
Wigeon c120 initially on Red Nab then to saltmarsh and Potts corner
Shelduck 35 out from saltmarsh
Pale-bellied Brent 4 flew from west towards the estuary
Little Egret 4
Grey Heron 1
Rock Pipit at least 2 - one on foreshore and one one both sides of saltmarsh
Greenfinch 36 around saltmarsh
Reed Bunting 2 saltmarsh
Common Snipe 39
Jack Snipe 3 confirmed, likely there were more.
Both the above flushed as the tide covered the saltmarsh
Heliport area:
Howard managed to read some more of the ringed Knot in the brief sunshine at high water. This one was ringed in Iceland