Thursday, 26 September 2013

A vis mig morning

Heysham Obs

Late news from yesterday
A late pager message suggested that the Bonaparte's Gull was present for a lengthy period on the latter stages of the incoming tide yesterday, by the outfalls, then on Red Nab (1430-1540ish).  Two of us just did a quick check from Ocean Edge late afternoon and only had Meds and Sandwich Terns - must do better!

Today's news
A gusty easterly this morning limited the mist-netting but it was evident that grounded migrants were a bit thin on the ground with a seemingly complete clear-out of yesterdays Chiffchaffs.  New for the autumn was a single Redwing at dawn which had obviously been grounded overnight and flew inland.

Vis mig (thanks to Bryan for taking over at 0830) dawn to 1030
Grey Wagtail - 7 SE (2 ringed - rather fortunately in the conditions).  Over 70 have now been colour ringed this month - please keep an eye open!
alba Wagtail - good passage for here - 160 SE in groups of up to 11
Greenfinch - 6 S
Swallow - 42 SE
Goldfinch - 34 S
Meadow Pipit - 406 SE
Chaffinch - 143 S
Golden Plover - 1 S (rare here)
Teal - 2 S (rare here!)
Cormorant - flocks of 6 & 8 SE just after dawn - not an established ex-roost feeding movement

Red Nab late afternoon
No sign of Bonaparte's Gull either on Red Nab, the outfalls or the harbour mouth.
2 Sandwich Terns
3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 adults, 1 x 2CY)
Rock Pipit flew onto sea wall

North Harbour Wall
2 Mediterranean Gulls (adults)