Thursday 14 April 2016

Much better than expected

Heysham Obs
If you get up and put some effort in even in rubbishy north-easterlies with high cloud, it sometimes pays off, even when only available until 0900hrs.  Quite a few bits and bobs later for Janet on Middleton:

Pollinated Blue Tit!

Purple Sandpiper north wall rocks with turnstone 0900
Sedge Warbler - one Middleton pm - see pic - early for here (no morning check for gropper today)

Sea 0635-0720
Common Scoter - flock of 8 in then out
Red-throated Diver - 6+8 in, joined up and seemed to land on the sea off Stone jetty area.  One out
Arctic Tern - flock of 7 in (IOY)
Sandwich Tern - two together in

Ocean Edge/Red Nab
Osprey - one NE at 0730 putting every seagull up in the area!  Not sure exactly where it came from as not noticed until all the Red Nab stuff I was watching lifted up.  No colour rings seen/photographed!!
Little Egret - perhaps a record count of 9 on Red Nab
Wheatear - just 2 at 0730
No whale vomit

Vis mig
Lesser Redpoll - 4 ringed by 0800
Meadow Pipit - only 5 seen heading NE
alba Wagtail - 3 NE

Not a lot perceived early on - one Willow Warbler ringed by 0800

Harbour Porpoise -1 seen once off the north wall
Hedgehog - healthy individual by office