Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Unpredictable mix!

Janet went to do some photography on the south harbour wall and came up with these. This Rock Pipit is clearly not a littoralis and is of the nominate form, perhaps a northern kleinschmidti, but in the absence of any suggestive measurements it could equally originate from more sedentary populations further south. Any opinions anyone, please?  It has been hanging around extremely elusively since the winter period.  Nearby were two Pink-feet, again not end of May candidates but perhaps injured

Thanks Janet

Coastal sightings today
Rock Pipit - south harbour mouth
Pink-footed Goose - two on sea by outfalls
Arctic Tern - short seawatch on turning tide saw 2+4 in
Sandwich Tern - 31 in/fishing on early turning tide
Gannet - subad floated in, flew out, then floated in again (injured?)
Great-crested Grebe - still 5 in summer plumage in inshore low tide channel
Sanderling - 3 OE tideline - slightly separate from flock below
Dunlin - 42 OE tideline
Ringed Plover - 18 OE tideline
Shag - 2CY wooden jetty
House Martin - one north
White butterflies - about 15 in-off/north!