Heysham Obs
Late afternoon saw the rain and wind producing the good(s) big style!
Ocean Edge late morning
1st S->2nd W Little Gull on sand
Ocean Edge/Red Nab/Stage 2 outfall 1600-1845
SABINES GULL - what at that range looked like Ad summer on Red Nab from at least 1600hrs, then on the outfall from about 1730hrs. There should be some decent flight pics later [Mike Watson & Breaks family websites via the links when they have time to upload them] . It drifted into the Bay about 1745hrs and there was no further sign by 2030 at least.
Med Gull - 2nd S->3rd W, also Ad W later
Little Gull - 2 x 1st S->2nd W, 1 x 2ndS->Ad W
Little Egret - one Red Nab c1630 for ten minutes or so
Sandwich Tern - 2
Whimbrel - 2
Barred Rivulet (2), Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (2) and Pebble Hook-tip led a reasonably varied catch
10 Crossbill (have to use 'spp', especially given recent events up north) south over Sunderland Point into the Fylde! Two Garganey on Aldcliffe Pools.
Late afternoon saw the rain and wind producing the good(s) big style!
Ocean Edge late morning
1st S->2nd W Little Gull on sand
Ocean Edge/Red Nab/Stage 2 outfall 1600-1845
SABINES GULL - what at that range looked like Ad summer on Red Nab from at least 1600hrs, then on the outfall from about 1730hrs. There should be some decent flight pics later [Mike Watson & Breaks family websites via the links when they have time to upload them] . It drifted into the Bay about 1745hrs and there was no further sign by 2030 at least.
Med Gull - 2nd S->3rd W, also Ad W later
Little Gull - 2 x 1st S->2nd W, 1 x 2ndS->Ad W
Little Egret - one Red Nab c1630 for ten minutes or so
Sandwich Tern - 2
Whimbrel - 2
Barred Rivulet (2), Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (2) and Pebble Hook-tip led a reasonably varied catch
10 Crossbill (have to use 'spp', especially given recent events up north) south over Sunderland Point into the Fylde! Two Garganey on Aldcliffe Pools.