Saturday, 9 August 2008

Always check Heysham over the tide when wet and windy...........

Nice flight shots from Mike Watson (top two) & Margaret Breaks after it started to feed on Heysham 2 outfall, followed by a desperate distant record shot as part of the initial documentation on Red Nab. Mario Chin has a better 'at rest' shot on the LDBWS site photos section.

Heysham Obs
Late afternoon saw the rain and wind producing the good(s) big style!

Ocean Edge late morning
1st S->2nd W Little Gull on sand

Ocean Edge/Red Nab/Stage 2 outfall 1600-1845
SABINES GULL - what at that range looked like Ad summer on Red Nab from at least 1600hrs, then on the outfall from about 1730hrs. There should be some decent flight pics later [Mike Watson & Breaks family websites via the links when they have time to upload them] . It drifted into the Bay about 1745hrs and there was no further sign by 2030 at least.
Med Gull - 2nd S->3rd W, also Ad W later
Little Gull - 2 x 1st S->2nd W, 1 x 2ndS->Ad W
Little Egret - one Red Nab c1630 for ten minutes or so
Sandwich Tern - 2
Whimbrel - 2

Barred Rivulet (2), Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (2) and Pebble Hook-tip led a reasonably varied catch

10 Crossbill (have to use 'spp', especially given recent events up north) south over Sunderland Point into the Fylde! Two Garganey on Aldcliffe Pools.