Dog walkers were fleeing the site in their droves due to flying ants this afternoon - a density I have not seen for many years.
Wooden jetty
Both Black Guillemot reported
Aerial observations
Very few gulls on the outfalls due to the ants. Ad & 1st S Med gull located anting
Red Nab
2 Whimbrel
Insects (nature reserve)
Butterflies: Plenty of Red Admiral and at least 5 Gatekeeper
Dragonflies: The coverage benefited from a visiting expert who was able to work the reserve in decent conditions (at last) whilst Colin covered Middleton IE. 6 Ruddy Darter, at least 4 Black Darter, 2 Common Hawker, 1+ Migrant Hawker and a few Brown Hawker
Moths: Orange Swift was new for the year and Dog's Tooth an irregular visitor
Insects (Middleton IE)
Butterflies: Grayling seen
Dragonflies: 14 male and 2 female Emperor, 3 Black-tailed Skimmer, pristine-looking 4-spotted Chaser was unexpected, 2 Emerald Damselfly (at the very least!), 2 male Ruddy Darter
Elsewhere (Insects)
Millhouses, Wray moth trap: a 'tick' for me in the form of a male Four-spotted Footman (the fourth VC60 and about the 6th county record if you ignore bits ceded to Merseyside and GM)
male 4-spotted Footman. Thanks Gary
At least three White-letter Hairstreak at Stairend bridge but the one visiting the thistles was extremely worn as might be expected by this time.
8 Common Hawker along the sheltered northern edge of Thrushgill plantation
2 Manchester Treble Bar moth at Loftshaw Moss, west of Lowgill (NB wet and potentially dangerous but the moth does occur on drier ground either side of the Lancs/Yorkshire border near the Great Stone of Fourstones)
Elsewhere (birds)
Four Crossbill, presumably Common at Thrushgill but only heard calling and seen in flight silhoette. NO access due to logging activities. Also family party of Siskin with the young only recently fledged
Usual recent fare at Leighton Moss with no increase on the 13 Little Egret and the three Spoonbill still remaining