Wednesday, 16 October 2019

After the rain

Once the rain stopped at 10am birding and ringing could begin.

Heysham NR
A Yellow-browed Warbler still frequented the NE corner of the Reserve but took some finding. Luckily visiting birder JJ had the patience to winkle it out.

Ringing consisted of a few Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs.

Adult Little Gull phtographed by Kevin Eaves
Ringed Black-headed Gull photographed by Janet Packham
A close up of the ring revealed it to be a Polish bird returning to the harbour for its third winter

Middleton NR
Malcolm enjoyed a very pleasant stroll in the afternoon sun but found no sign of Yellow-browed Warblers. Instead there were the following:
Redwing c10 on golf club strip.
Goldcrest 3
Chiffchaff 3
Common snipe 3

Little grebe 2.
Gadwall 10.

Common Darter 22
Migrant Hawker 7
Speckled wood 4
Small Tortoiseshell 1