Heysham Obs
Outfalls etc
No, we are not losing the plot due to a moult-fest causing the distinctive black heads and wingtips to disappear amongst sleeping Black-headed Gulls. Perhaps the lowest Med to BHG ratio for several years on the outfalls this last couple of days. None seen by an experienced observer yesterday with 2/c1,000 scattered along the foreshore this morning and 0/886 at the usually productive neap high tide this evening.
The two were first summers together near the pipeline at low tide this morning
Kittiwake - first summer late afternoon
Sandwich tern - single adult roosting with BHG late afternoon
Whimbrel - 4 Red Nab
Harbour area
At least one Black Guillemot (on the sea) during a really brief visit

Outfalls etc
No, we are not losing the plot due to a moult-fest causing the distinctive black heads and wingtips to disappear amongst sleeping Black-headed Gulls. Perhaps the lowest Med to BHG ratio for several years on the outfalls this last couple of days. None seen by an experienced observer yesterday with 2/c1,000 scattered along the foreshore this morning and 0/886 at the usually productive neap high tide this evening.
The two were first summers together near the pipeline at low tide this morning
Kittiwake - first summer late afternoon
Sandwich tern - single adult roosting with BHG late afternoon
Whimbrel - 4 Red Nab
Harbour area
At least one Black Guillemot (on the sea) during a really brief visit

Black Guillemot chasing Feral Pigeon (sorry Rock Dove) away from the territory. Anyone old enough to remember the silly walks sketch. Thanks Andrew
Middleton IE
A well-forecasted (lets give them credit where due) window in the showers allowed a ringing session this morning which was, however, marred by a niggling NE wind during c0730-0900 - not the best direction for the mist nets. 17 new Sedge Warbler were ringed but there were several escapees. Other species included Lesser Whitethroat, Reed Bunting, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler.
Three male Grasshopper Warbler were in song and hopefully this reflects that the females are occupied with second broods. Please, therefore, do not trample around off the ringing circuit track - the males are best seen from the concrete roads where you are elevated. As a warning, a 'bottomless hole' OVER WADER HEIGHT was located right next to a track this morning
About half a dozen Swift headed south along with a single Sand Martin. All Swallow and House Martin may simply have had a large blogging circuit
A reasonably good moth catch by the standards of this year included three migrant Silver Y and the first Bordered Beauty of the year.
Three Spoonbill recorded on the EM 'flood' but no mention of whether the two Little Egret were present. Osprey briefly by the Lower pool at Leighton Moss late morning