Saturday, 3 August 2013

Bonaparte's Gull yet again

Heysham Obs
The elusive Bonaparte's Gull reappeared on Red Nab at about 1100hrs, possibly having earlier been on the Lune/Sunderland area (no distance flying over land).  At least three juv Meds and a Common Sandpiper & Whimbrel, but no feedback on Little Gull or indeed any large Med totals - they seem to have decreased, as usual, this last few days

Middleton NR saw the family of Gadwall with four large young, 7 Tufted Duck, but a complete dearth of warblers as has been apparent for most of the last ten days

In contrast, topping up the feeders revealed 4 Whitethroat and 3 Willow Warbler around the mist net ride, reminding that it is indeed August and time to be on the move

Moths included a Fen Wainscot and Pale Mottled Willow in the office trap but (thankfully!) smaller numbers than yesterday.  Malcolm's order of abundance for butterflies on a Middleton NR/coastal walk as follows:
Small white
Meadow brown
Small skipper
Small heath
Red Admiral