Wednesday 18 November 2020

A "snipe" treble

It wasn't a nice day! Strong SSE winds in the morning with driving rain. The wind strengthened and shifted westwards, ending up almost due west by evening. Less rain in the afternoon and the sun almost made guest appearance late afternoon.

South shore mid morning
Little presented itself through the rain.
Rock Pipit 2
Wigeon c150

Middleton Nature Reserve - mid afternoon
I managed an, almost, dry walk.
No swimming pond
Mute 1 
Coot 4
Moorhen 4
Little Grebe 2 ( still in association)
Gadwall 27
Shoveller 1 male
This panorama doesn't show any detail, but does provide a sense of wildfowl density on this pond.
Although, tomorrow there may be only a few. They are very mobile.

Other stuff on reserve:
Jack Snipe 1
Common Snipe 3
Woodcock 1 (honorary snipe - for the sake of today's title)
Grey Wagtail 1 - not ringed.

There was a large mixed tit feeding flock. No sign of any warblers, but a Treecreeper was with them.
Treecreeper - not common here

By 15:15, the sun was making a valiant effort to shine
But this single small cloud thwarted it!