Friday, 27 May 2022

Quality sea birds

WNW fresh wind. Fine all day with sunny spells.

Seawatch report from Pete:
Summer plumage Black Guillemot flying out fairly close in c0936
Light morph adult or subadult Pomarine Skua wheeled in then climbed and headed NE just south of stone jetty c1026
27 Gannet
8 Manx Shearwater
1 Kittiwake  

Black Guillemot probably got off sea (or possibly in wave trough) - shades of semi resident bird a few years ago - so may still be in area south of harbour

South shore evening rising tide (MD)
I couldn't resist a stroll in the evening sun and always a chance of the Black Guillemot.
Nothing of note seen on the sea, but the Rock Pipits were active.
Both adult on Red Nab and Lighthouse taking food to the nest sites (Red Nab bird's nest within the Power Station grounds). Plus singles on Saltmarsh, sea wall between the outflows and  the waterfall.

This moth from Kevin's overnight trap.
A lovely Alder Kitten. It has spectacular antennae!