Monday, 21 September 2020

Good variety, including Osprey and Brent

The breeze shifted round today, from east through south and ending up WSW. Mainly sunny.

Heysham Nature Reserve - report from Jean
Low key vis (in terms of numbers) this morning but high flying in the clear sky.

Heysham NR vis 07:30-09:30
Pink-footed Goose 20
Skylark 1
Swallow 5
Grey Wagtail 3
alba wagtail 1
Meadow Pipit 81
Chaffinch 18
Linnet 1
Siskin 3

On the deck/night migrants
Robin 11, Chiffchaff 4, Goldcrest 2

Middleton Nature Reserve- ringing report from Alan:

Three Grey Wagtails seen this morning and of these only one was caught.

Other passerine passage must have been very high in the clear conditions apart from a few Meadow Pipits that came down to the lure and seven Swallows that flew southwards across the reserve.

19 Pink footed Geese flew south well to east of Middleton.

A few birds were trapped and ringed:

Meadow Pipit - 4

Grey Wagtail - 1

Wren - 1 +1 retrap

Robin - 1 retrap

Chiffchaff - 4 + 2 retrap

Blue Tit - 1

Great Tit - 1

Lesser Redpoll - 5

Reed Bunting - 2

Pete conducted low water scans from various vantage points:
Out from Ocean Edge
Curlew Sandpiper 1 juvenile 
Dunlin 120
Ringed Plover 87

Red Nab area
Mediterranean gull 5 - 2 adult 2 x 2nd calendar year. 1 x 1st cy
Shelduck 175
Alba Wagtail 72 grounded on OE grass - ex ps roost presumably.  

Over in 1 hour
Meadow Pipit 22
Grey Wagtail 2

North side low water channels
Pale-Bellied Brent Goose - Two flew along Kent channel then swung towards walney
Great Crested Grebe 11
Red-Breasted Merganser 3
Eider 11

South Shore approaching high water (MD)
Wheatear 7
Rock Pipit 3 on Red Nab plus 1 on rocky outcrop south of the saltmarsh 
Wigeon - the flock has now swollen to 5!
Osprey - fishing between the outflows c2 hours before high water. Watched for a while by one fortunate  observer, who eventually saw it catch a fish then head towards Red Nab. 

Some nice views of the smaller waders as they rested on the last of Red Nab rocks
Dunlin and a Ringed Plover

The Ringed Plover, almost left it too late