1 Kittiwake on the outfalls and 3 further out.
2 Sandwich Tern also on the outfalls.
Middleton IE
RED-VEINED DARTER - 3 mature males and two tenerals on model boat pond. NO suitable weather to check since!
Black-tailed Skimmer - 27 male & 7 female
Emperor - 17 male, 5 female
4-spotted Chaser - 73
BE properties
Emperor - one on reserve, 3 on dog pond (inc ovi. female)
4-spotted Chaser - 7 on reserve, 11 on dog pond (no sign Broad-bodied Chaser)
Cheating a bit as this photo was taken at Caerlaverock, but it's the same bird:
Wood Warbler still at Tower Lodge.