A dry mainly overcast day. The light east wind freshening slightly
Merlin 1 - 12.15 across beach just north of Heysham head. Briefly perched on the old sewage pipe until chased off by a crow - David Kaye
Heysham Nature Reserve
Ringing report from Alan:
A ringing session at Heysham this morning produced a reasonable catch, although fewer than on recent visits there. The very light easterly breeze became more troublesome to the mist nets by lunchtime and the session was ended by around 13.00.
Goldfinches only began gathering near the feeders just before the nets were closed but were put off coming down to the seed by the nets billowing in the wind at that time.
Singles of Sparrowhawk, Robin, Cetti's Warbler (male) and Jay were ringed together with the following:
Dunnock 2 + 2 retraps
Blackbird 2
Chiffchaff 3
Goldcrest 6
Coal Tit 6 + 3 retraps
Blue Tit 5 + 2 retraps
Great Tit 1 + 3 retraps
Chaffinch 2
Goldfinch 2
There was no evidence of thrush or starling movement overhead as seen further to the east.
South shore (MD)
Only a short check at low water
Linnet 70+ feeding on the Samphire seeds at the edge of the saltmarsh. There is a veritable forest of Samphire this year, you can just about make out some of the Linnet as they feed in this clip.
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This shot of a Redshank shows the structure of the Samphire "forest" more clearly |