Sunday, 21 July 2013

Bonapartes Gull and Meds hit new heights

Heysham Obs
The outfalls produced yet another German-ringed 2CY last night.  To recap on known darvic ringed birds in the current 'pool' of at least 25 Meds:
German (green rings) 2CY = AKRS, AKUR, AKZH
Polish (red rings) 3CY = PNE7
Belgian (Yellow darvic added by us) 3CY = 2P96

Please inform us of updates on the above and please don't send them in yourselves as it creates extra admin.  Thanks.  I will make sure you are acknowledged

Any new ones, and this is quite likely, with e.g. a green 3CY somewhere in the mix, please let us know the details if you are sending in yourself or simply pass on to me and I will make sure you are fully acknowledged.  Thanks.

Outfalls and area
Bonapartes Gull - still showing well this morning

Med Gull - at least 25 last night = 7 2CY, 4 3CY and the rest adults apart from the first juvenile for a couple of weeks or so. Today: at least 18 between Red Nab and the wooden pier, including 8 adults, 3 2nd summers and 7 1st summers. (adult with yellow darvic - 2P96 - on left leg, adult with metal ring on right leg, 1st summer with green darvic on.right leg).

Swift - 19 flew in-off then south past the outfalls at 0800 and 0810 hrs.

Also: 1 Peregrine, 4 Sandwich Tern (Stage 2 outfall), 4 Whimbrel and 11 Turnstone (Red Nab).
Office area
A dispersing Reed Warbler was ringed this morning

We managed find a two-pin 160 watt blended bulb stored in a garage at Bentham - the last in the country?!   Unfortunately an easterly wind then kicked in and knocked the catch on the head.  The actinic at Middleton was more successful with Silky Wainscot, Silver Hook and Ebulea crocealis highlighting