Saturday, 29 September 2012

Sampling mediocrity

Heysham Obs
Playing catch-up with work today so, unless the exercise tick-box produces the goods with a walk round the reserve in a minute, the day's fare comprised 30 mins of vis & 30 mins of sea/outfalls in the early morning.  No other visitors reported anything of note:

Walk round Hey NR reserve late pm it didn't with a singing Chiffchaff in the NE corner being an 'interest' straw-clutcher

Vis over the office 0815-0845
Meadow Pipit - 15
alba Wagtail - 7
Chaffinch - 9

Outfalls area & short seawatch
Pintail - flock of 11 south
Shelduck - flock of 4 south
Auk spp - two flying dots looked like razorbill
Med Gull - 3 1CY, one adult
Little Gull - adult
Common Tern - at least two juvs around

A few odds and ends including 5 Pink-barred Sallow and a Silver Y