Sunday, 20 March 2016

More buzzard

7 buzzard taking advantage of thermals on eastern side of Middleton Nature reserve this morning.
Single bird at 10:15
Six together at 10:45

Cetti's warbler singing (MD)

Heysham Nature Reserve
Very quiet - only 3 birds caught in 3 hours - Blackbird, Chaffinch and Robin. The Robin had first been ringed at the Nature Reserve in 2011. Little visible migration and virtually nothing once the sky cleared at 9am
Meadow Pipit - 29
Alba wagtail - 6
Lesser Redpoll - 1
Jackdaw - 1
Carrion Crow - 16

Ocean edge area
Whooper swan - 6 NW
Little egret - 5
Wigeon - 87

Included a chestnut - scarce here but the second this year