c19 Shag in the harbour

Ad Little Gull. Product of a cold vigil alongside the picturesque Heysham 2 outfall today. Thanks Simon
Ad & !st W Little Gull Heysham 2 outfall - checked at long range from Ocean Edge
16 or so Kittiwake behind the IOM ferry, 5 1st W Kittiwake in the SW corner of the harbour
1st W Med along the north harbour wall
(Presumed) escape drake Ferruginous Duck on the Public Mere at Leighton Moss and a puzzle over the ring as this was described as yellow, whereas surely the same bird last autumn (up until about Christmas) sported a green ring
The sudden disappearance of the Pochard from Pine Lake is assuming a degree of permanence with just 17 on there this morning (and only c100 at Leighton Moss, therefore a departure out of the area of 150+ birds). Nothing of interest on Pine Lake.
Ad Med Gull on the floodplain between Melling and Hornby along with 8 unexpected Shelduck but no sign of the Whooper Swans in flooded conditions