Tuesday 9 April 2013

Back to a freezing cold blocker

Heysham Obs
Early morning stuff was distant and uninspiring apart from the continuing presence of 65 noisy Twite piling into the nyger, presumably thinking about fat reserves for the arduous and perhaps overdue migration to west Scotland

North harbour wall 0700-0830
Twite - 65 - 4 unringed, rest Heysham ringed
Goldfinch - 2
Auk spp - very distant gang of three 'in'
Red-throated Diver - 6 'in'
Great-crested Grebe - 2 'in'
Kittiwake - flock of 5 'in'
Common Gull - c95
Sandwich Tern - c11 blogging early on, none by 0815hrs
Meadow Pipit - c25 north in 1.5 hours
alba Wagtail - 5 north in 1.5 hours

Ocean Edge/Red Nab
Wheatear - male and female
Mediterranean Gull - ringed 3CY
Little Gull - 2CY on rocks - seemed to arrive just after high tide

Middleton NR
Tufted Duck - 12
Gadwall - 2 pairs

Roe Deer near entrance gate to reserve - perhaps this one photographed yesterday by Janet