Monday, 8 October 2012

A Coal Tit morning

Heysham Obs
Nothing startling this morning in conditions where the weather didn't seem to know what to do.  Initially northerly at low level and south-west at cloud level, this then turned easterly and south-south east respectively.  The first Redwing(s) of the year were heard overhead but not seen and there was a sprinkling of grounded continental Song Thrush.  Vis consisted of the usual suspects and was very slow to get going, in contrast to yesterdays clear dawn 'rush'

Vis mig dawn to 0930hrs (all flying between SE and SW) & supplementary odds and ends
Grey Wagtail - 1
Pink-footed Goose - flock of 125
Goldfinch - 62
Chaffinch - 91
Meadow Pipit - 43, including flock of 17
alba Wagtail - 63
Collared Dove - 1
Woodpigeon - 11
Kestrel - 1
Siskin - 8 (& 2 later with the Coal Tit flock in the eastern woodland)
Linnet - 2
Coal Tit - 7, later another 8 and a flock of 29 in the HNR eastern woodland which moved inland
Redwing - high flying calls just after dawn but bird(s) could not be located!
Skylark - at least one SE c1030hrs

Song Thrush - c15, 5 flying inland and 4 ringed
Blackcap - 4
Goldcrest - c8
Bullfinch - flock of three unringed birds caught
Robin - one unringed bird
Kingfisher - one in marsh
Treecreeper - one with the Coal Tit flock in the HNR eastern woodland