Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.......

The wind shifted to WNW. Rain early on then largely dry with some sunshine.

Thanks to Pete Woodruff for advising me that the problem with viewing videos on this blogger platform is the same for all users. It is hoped that "Blogger" can/will resolve it. Today's title will strike a chord for those of you of my generation, but I'm sure that you will all get the gist - I'll not post any further videos until this issue is resolved.

South shore late morning
Great White Egret - 10:35. 1 flew west from the beach area in front of the saltmarsh. It was initially very low, so presumably it had been resting on the mud.

Whooper swan - just a single bird south. It's been a good autumn for Whoopers over the recording area. I've just had a quick check. Exactly 150 birds on 12 dates, the first being 27/09.
Today's solitary Whooper swan

Common Snipe - the incoming tide quickly flushed 12 from the small islands of sea grass just south of the saltmarsh. Later another 12 lifted from the edge of saltmarsh.
Wigeon - there are lots! not counted today, because they were everywhere, including feeding on the gut weed at the bottom of the foreshore rocks. It isn't clear if this new feeding area is being used because of overcrowding or if the numbers are increasing because of easier access (without disturbance) to these areas. I do suspect the latter (MD)
Grey Plover 2
Rock Pipit 1
Reed Bunting 2
Reed Bunting 

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick check revealed a change of status with the Mute swans.
Main pond 2 + 1 juvenile 
No swimming pond 2 adult (original, pair?) plus 1 juvenile (presumably the one absent from the main pond) all feeding together.
No Shoveller or Tufted seen, otherwise wildfowl as per yesterday.

Hopefully more to come