Sunday, 21 February 2016

Windy fare

Heysham Obs
The punters were probably relieved the IOM ferry was on a Liverpool day today, giving a modicum of Welsh/Wirral shelter from the SW gale, but it could have been a good day for 'followers'.  So we had to see what was in situ as a short seawatch was pretty unproductive, albeit with poor visibility

Harbour/outfalls area
Guillemot - x 2 at high tide
Great-crested Grebe - x 3 in entrance area
Little Gull - three adults in boating channel off outfalls mid-am
Kittiwake - x 3 2CY in harbour
Herring Gull - mildly leucistic/bleached 2CY with dirty coffee primaries and a virtually clear tail
No sign of any 2CY Shag

Moth trap
A Dotted Border and the first Hebrew Character of the year

Looks like the adult Mute Swans have left the two young on model boat pond and commenced prospecting
Jackdaw - 2