Monday, 17 July 2023

Slightly better Tern shots

A light west wind. Dry all day with plenty of sunny spells.

South shore (MD)
Mediterranean gulls 35+ there were 15 adult/2nd summer, 5 first summer and a juvenile on the beach near wooden jetty. Another 4 adult near No.2 outflow. Later in the tide there were similar numbers on Red Nab including 3 juvenile and 4 second summer. Another 5 adult, 2 second summer and 3 first summer on the shore out from the saltmarsh.
Most of the birds on the beach by the jetty were just resting, and had been for some while, judging by the amount of guano surrounding most of them. But that wasn't because of the lack of feeding opportunities, the few that were feeding were finding Sandmason worms relatively easily. The resting birds had obviously eaten their fill.
This first summer bird catches a Sandmason worm in this clip.

There were 3 white darvic ringed adults, one was a new one for this year.
3867 last seen at Heysham in 2020 - updated history awaited
That makes 8 white and 3 green darvic ringed birds read so far this year.

Little Egret 3
A particularly shaggy Little Egret

Grey Heron 1
Curlew 100+
Oystercatcher c50
Lapwing 1
Common Sandpiper 1 around the rocky outcrop just south of the saltmarsh 
Common Sandpiper

Common Tern 1 - it was resting with the gulls just south of the saltmarsh. 

The tide was still coming in but almost full. The gulls didn't budge when it reached them but the, shorter legged, Tern had to.

It landed on the mud closer to me
Common Tern, its black bill tip almost faded to nothing
Metal ringed as well, but no chance of reading it
Rock Pipit 3 together on Red Nab
These Gatekeeper were along the foreshore.

There are plenty of young birds flitting around the Nature Park, Robin, Chaffinch, Long-Tailed Tits, Blue Tits and this Chiffchaff seen today, although keeping track of them in the foliage isn't easy.