Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bonaparte's Gull Again

A very quick check 0810-0820 saw the Bonaparte's Gull in a small cluster of gulls on the mudflats just south of Heysham 2 outfall

At 0930 it was on the pager as being on Red Nab along with the ad Little Gull and at least 10 Meds

At 1000 I returned and it was too late for Red Nab with all but a few Meds left amongst dwindling BHG numbers, including the one we darvic-ringed this spring = 2P96

A CES ringing session at Middleton provided a sprinkling of warblers including Sedge, Reed, Willow, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat, with Stock Dove also seen.