Monday, 1 October 2012

Irish/Manx drift?

Heysham Obs
Thanks Janet 

One of those mornings where you hear a few Goldcrests, but don't get too excited as the fare is surely from across the Irish Sea or the parts of Scotland (most of it) west of Carlisle.  This is because the wind was firmly in the south-west and the accompanying grounded migrants appeared to comprise a few Wrens, Robins, Dunnocks and a single female Blackcap.

Office area with a birthday-delayed start at 0745hrs
Goldcrest - 15-20, but soon melted away (2 belatedly ringed)
Blackcap - one female
Wren - two unringed birds caught as nets being set
Robin - at least 2 unringed birds being chased
Dunnock - 3 'fidgety' birds emerged from brambles and flew south together
Song Thrush - one grounded in tank farm, flew inland

Vis by the office 0745-0930ish
Pink-footed Goose - flock heard but not seen, then 95 north
Meadow Pipit - 66 SE. mostly in the first 15 mins, therefore a lot presumably missed
Chaffinch - 39 S/SW, mostly in first 15 mins
Goldfinch - 14 SE
alba Wagtail - 7 SE
Woodpigeon - 3 high to SE
Siskin - 7 SE

Outfalls and harbour area
Black Tern - juv
Common Tern - juv
Med Gull - 8+ 1CY, 2 ad, 2-3 2CY (7 1CY behind IOM ferry)
Grey Wagtail - 1 SE
Guillemot - rather sad looking bird close inshore by Red Nab
Little Gull - adult