Heysham Obs
Nothing comprehensive; anyone anything to add, please?
Outfalls/Red Nab
A check too near to high tide saw 2 x 1st S Med Gull, 3 Whimbrel
Harbour mouth
At least one Black Guillemot late afternoon (per angler)
Insects (on reserve)
One Common Hawker - hard to find this year along with 1+ Brown Hawker & 4 x Gatekeeper (all along Princess Al;exandra way track past the blue utilities grids) - surely at least 12 on the reserve this year so far. This species is a recent arrival which has not 'taken off' like Speckled Wood and Small Skipper. Nothing new in the moth trap.
Ad Yellow-legged Gull visible from Sunderland tidal road but nothing with 280+ Dunlin other than three Whimbrel. No sign of the Lesser Yellowlegs at Leighton Moss but greatly increased numbers of (migrant?) Sedge Warbler there with 40+ trapped and ringed. Unfortunately Middleton IE has been too windy (until tomorrow). The Little Egret roost at Ashton Hall Lake comprised FIVE this evening, an earlier build up than is usual (thanks Helen).