Friday 15 March 2024

Arrivals and departures

A mainly dry day after overnight rain. A fresh SW drifting to NW breeze.

Heysham skear - low later 09:10 (MD)
Pale-bellied Brent goose 44 - they had been resting amongst the honeycomb worm reefs along the north edge of the skear. There is nothing for them to eat here. As the tide was making, first 37 then 7 flew off but only settled along the southern edge of the skear, where again there is nothing for them to eat. These are the 37 flying off, it provides a nice view of the reefs on the north side.

Eider 220 - this is a nice clip of a female, demonstrating how water runs of a duck's back.

Wigeon 4 on the sea before flying north (departing?)
Red-breasted Merganser 7 (2 males)
Great Crested Grebe 6 (3 pairs)
Shag 1 adult feeding
Knot only c100 other waders similar to recent.
Carrion Crow 22 along the honeycomb worm beds on the south side. These are a few of them.

Alba Wagtail and Meadow Pipit one each flew north early in the walk when I was still quite close to shore.

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Goosander 6 - another male has arrived. I suspect this is the new male as he greets the others as he joins them.

Six Goosander!

Also at the "no swimming" pond
Little Grebe 1
Cetti's Warbler 1 singing

South shore (MD)
The 37 Brent turned up at Red Nab.
Wigeon 220
No sign of the Black Redstart 
Wheatear 1 male on the foreshore - first of the year.

Male Wheatear

Rock Pipit 6 - one each on Red Nab and foreshore, plus four together feeding on the spring tides flotsam on the saltmarsh.

Redwing 1 skulking in the Elder bush near the waterfall (definitely departing)

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis still feeding

Heysham Moss Nature Reserve 

Janet checked this morning. A mobile group of seven thrushes contained at least two Redwing
