Saturday, 24 February 2018

Productive morning

Velvet Scoter - Ad drake seen off SJ early am then off Heysham Head from just before 1000 at least.  It was as easy to see as it could be at that range from the lower section of Knowlys road, turn down towards Heysham village and look over the rusty barbed wire fence (out of character with this nice area) through the gap and over the green ex-sewer post to the eider flock beyond.  As yesterday, it was favouring the northern end of this flock.  At the same time as being viewed by people from the old ruined chapel; perhaps they were fractionally closer.  A cheeky visiting birder asked why we hadn't nailed it more regularly during the rest of this winter - how much clear sunny weather have we had at the correct tidal stages without rough westerly wind seas!  Someone must have some fancy optics and/or a (slight) heat haze filter as the Velvet Scoter was reported as visible from the half moon bay café at lunchtime!
Iceland Gull - 3rd W.  A quick check at 10ish saw it feeding below the waterfall
Chough - In quick succession found out it was seen in fields yesterday pm and again at at least 1115 today but I don't think earlier on.  See comments made yesterday
Great-crested Grebe - 4 offshore, including pair
Med Gull - ad Knowlys road with BHG gang as usual - getting near full sp
Goldeneye - the ad drake again inshore off the north side of the headland