Saturday 5 September 2020

Osprey - almost got away again

The wind pretty much due west all day, blustery early on, but easing slightly by evening.

South shore (PM. MD)
Osprey 1 - 12:15 out from Red Nab. The last observatory sighting of an Osprey, the bird managed to avoid being photographed. Today Pete, just, managed a few record shots.
Not easy with a phone camera.

Mediterranean gull - Red Nab had been flushed by holidaymakers on the rising tide. There were 5 feeding on beach near the wooden jetty before the tide flushed them.
Nice reference shot of an adult Med
sandwiched between a juvenile and adult Black-headed gull.
Checked the beach again in the evening. 8 Meds feeding plus 9 resting on the rocks.

Kittiwake 1 juvenile in the harbour mouth 18:45

Before flying off to the west

Kevin managed some nice detail shots of a Common Darter sunning itself on Heysham Nature Reserve.

Migrant Hawker 4 around the entrance to Ocean Edge.