Sunday, 29 October 2023

What could be better than one late Tern..........

A dry day after an early shower. The light east wind continues.

South shore
A morning check on the rising tide (MD)
Common Tern 1 juvenile on No.1 outflow, today joined by......
Arctic Tern 1 juvenile 
This clip starts and ends on the Arctic Tern, with the Common in between.

Juvenile Arctic Tern

Later David Kaye took this excellent shot of it on the sea wall.
Both terns were still feeding on the outflows this evening (evening......It was only 16:00!)

Red-Throated Diver 1 initially fishing by No.2 outflow

It must have found enough to eat as a little later it was drifting out preening.
Later still, David saw it, or another, flying towards Ocean Edge

Pink-Footed goose 17 low to the south
Wigeon 100+
Rock Pipit 4
Meadow Pipit 2

On saltmarsh 
Reed Bunting 2 
Linnet 85 
Common Snipe 7 
Whimbrel 1 late bird flew out from the saltmarsh calling.

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Report from Pete Crooks

A 1 hour 30 minute walk around produced:
1 male Blackcap
1 Chiffchaff
2 Redwing
12+ Long-tailed Tit
1 Jay
2 Bullfinch
28 Goldfinch