Sunday, 29 September 2013

Early morning Yellow-browed Warbler heads inland

Heysham Obs
A Yellow-browed Warbler was by the office at 0725hrs, calling twice, then flew into a willow next to the dog walk track, then back across the road towards the dipping pond where it was lost in the vegetation n the presence of quite a few Blue/Long-tailed Tits.  It may have joined them but they flew over the road along the line of trees towards the traffic lights/railway line

This was a period of quite strong winds and a few other birds 'dropped including up to 7 Goldcrest and 4 Chiffchaff.  The wind then dropped during the next 30 minutes and the place seemed to 'dry up' as regards night migrants as they moved inland rather than remaining in situ

There was another small influx of night migrants at about 0930 again coinciding with the wind getting up from the east

Hopefully more later as off to search the likely spots to hold something and/or tit flocks

The subsequent thrash round once the ringing had finished was singularly unproductive in breezy sunny conditions but did include a bird which has been like rocking horse dung the last couple of years - a Kingfisher along the stream by the dipping pond...................and a shedload of common butterflies

Grounded Heysham NR
Robin - minimum 13, perhaps only one migrant today
Goldcrest - at least 7, probably 9
Chiffchaff - 9-11 (3 ringed)
Yellow-browed warbler - see above
Blackcap - 2-3
Song Thrush - 4 - all got up and flew inland, typical migrant behaviour

Vis mig dawnish to 0930 (2.5hrs)
Meadow Pipit - 200 (exactly!)
Grey Wagtail - 6
alba Wagtail - 44
Chaffinch - 62
Dunnock - 2
Siskin - 2
Skylark - 3
Goldfinch - 17
Greenfinch - 4

Rock Pipit - 1 north harbour wall 0830, two later
Kingfisher  - one by dipping pond early afternoon
Arctic Skua - a major surprise was two juveniles blogging around the harbour mouth being mobbed by gulls before heading out behind a ferry

Lots of butterflies but amazingly no dragonflies in outer circuit of the reserve
Red Admiral - 28 (including 13 flying purposefully south)
Speckled Wood - 26
Small Tortoiseshell - 13 (3 south)
Small White - 7 (2 south)
Peacock - 1
Comma - 1 on ivy NE corner
Common Blue - still one female by office
Silver Y - 8