North Harbour Wall 0630-0830
Pink-footed Goose - 40 north at 0740hrs. Is this the last lot?
Goldfinch - 1 NE
Swift - 3 NE, 9 later (1245-1315)
Swallow - 23 NE, 16 later (1245-1315)
Whimbrel - 2 N 1245-1315hrs
On/over/in the sea:
Arctic Tern - 84 (23 + 1 + 60) - the flock of 60 went high up into the sky over the harbour/outfalls area and headed NE
Sandwich Tern - 2
Gannet - 5
Red-throated Diver - 2
Dunlin - 5
Grey seal - 1
Turnstone 15
Knot - 1 with the Turnstone
Grounded migrants
Willow Warbler - 4 females trapped HNR
Wheatear - 2
also unringed Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat and female Blackcap of unknown status. An unringed Wren was caught, supporting the observation that most of the now reasonably healthy Wren population involved mid-April infill of empty territories by 2CY birds of unknown origin. Most interesting - where had they wintered?
Middleton IE
Reed Warbler - one singing by central/western marsh entrance gate