Thursday, 24 May 2012

Perfect CES weather and a few micros and vis

Heysham Obs
Nice calm murky weather again knocked the sea on the head, but allowed what, at this time of year, is usually a very quiet Middleton CES visit to be undertaken in near-perfect conditions

Middleton CES
The ringing included a couple of presumed breeding Grasshopper Warblers - again both unringed, despite 40+ being ringed there last year.  There has only ever seemingly been one ringed bird returning as a breeding adult, assuming we do ring and retrap most of the breeding birds and offspring.  This contrasts with a majority of the Sedge and Reed Warblers being returning ringed birds

Vis mig 0630-0930
Swallow - 34 NE
Sand Martin - 2 NE
Swift - 2 NE

Ancylis badiana and Timothy Tortrix were disturbed during the ringing activities on Middleton.  The hut trap was also micro-dominated with Cochylis atricapitana and both White-shouldered and Brown House Moths