Heysham skear - low water 12:10 (Malcolm)
No Brent geese seen by me today, but Pete saw 5 Pale-bellied Brent up at battery outfall
Eider 30, most flying north as the tide was leaving the skear.
Some of the Eider heading north |
Feeding Eider with an escort of gulls |
Red-Breasted Merganser 5
Red-breasted Mergansers |
Great Crested Grebe 3
Oystercatcher 1,500
Curlew 10
Redshank 100
Knot 600
Knot, including a yellow flagged bird from an Icelandic scheme. |
Turnstone 25
Dunlin 30+ some feeding with the Redshank for shrimps, others foraging with the Knot.
Dunlin |
Middleton Nature Reserve (Janet)
The main pond had extensive ice cover. Remaining ducks included Mallard, Gadwall and 8 Teal.
Three Teal and two Gadwall |
Mallard |
None of the Black-Headed gulls were ringed |
Blue Tit |
Robin Neither of the above two birds require naming for any European readers. But we do have other continental readers. |
Heysham Nature Reserve (Janet)
Very little seen except a Jay.
Jay |
Kevin checked the south sea wall. No sign of the Kittiwake, but this Grey Plover was resting near the wooden jetty.
Grey Plover |