Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Chiffchaffs everywhere, but not much else

Light southerly wind and wall to wall sunshine meant genuine warmth. Chiffchaffs were singing in every area of the recording area checked, and many seen not singing. Butterflies also abundant, particularly Brimstone (4 male), also seen Small Tortoiseshell 3, Peacock 2.

Rock pipits - the lighthouse area bird was reported as standing guard over last year's nest site. Plus 2 birds together on Red Nab.
Wheatear 1 male Red Nab.
Felt the need for some vertibrate images today after yesterday's invertibrates, so by way of a change this is one of Wheatear taking off. It's all in the footwork!

This one of Little Egret and Wigeon at Red Nab, just because it reflects how tranquil the day felt.

Middleton Nature Reserve
Stock Dove 2
Buzzard 1
Grey Wagtail 2 - one part of the colour ring scheme

This excellent picture from Janet
Also as part of this scheme:
ARB7379 plus crs Ringed: Middleton NR 1stW Male 14/9/19
Seen: Male holding territory 20 & 24/3/20 Teviot Haughs, Roxburghshire (NT684254) 170Km NNE

The warm sun brought the local newts to life, these Smooth (Common) newts were in the small pond between the dog walk and Red Nab