Saturday, 23 February 2019

Great White Egret crosses border

A Great White Egret was in the field to the west of the recycling centre (09:15), which represents the eastern boundary of the recording area, before heading off SE towards river Lune estuary.

Great White Egret flying out over eastern border of the recording area.

Also from this road to recycling centre (2nd roundabout from western end of Heysham bypass) in three visits today:
Stonechat - two, probably three
Raven - two. On territory?
Buzzard  one.
Meadow pipit 3

Middleton Nature Reserve
Canada goose 1 - on main pond. Not common here

Tufted 5
Gadwall 10
Shoveler 3 (female plus one adult and a 2cy male)
Little grebe 1
Mallard 4
Teal 5
Water Rail 2
No Pochard or Coot seen today

Cetti's warbler 2 singing
Meadow pipit 3