Friday, 1 March 2013

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant

St David's Day in case you were wondering.

As you can see, St David was a keen birder and always went round with a white dove on his shoulder.  No white doves at Heysham today but the following birds were seen from the
North Harbour Wall
Red-throated Diver - 2 distantly on the water
Great-crested Grebe - 6 floating in with the tide and a couple of them displaying to each other
Red-breasted Merganser - 9 also floating in and doing a bit of ducking and diving at the same time
Eider -  76 visible
Peregrine - 1 staking out some waders
Mediterranean Gull - 1 adult with an almost full black head
Twite - 72
Greenfinch - 1 NE
Canada Goose - 9 N

Heysham Nature Reserve
Another unringed Long-tailed Tit caught
Great-spotted Woodpecker near the entrance gate
Negative news on daffodils and leeks.