Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Little Ringed Plover lift off

Heysham Obs
The Little Ringed Plover nesting in glass-strewn rubble in the corner of Middleton Industrial estate (out side the reserve boundary) relocated their three chicks to the model boat pond today - presumably they can fly!

Four Meds at high tide included 2P96 and a 3CY with a green ring on it - perhaps one of the returning German birds?  Hopefully someone will get a reading

A ringing session at Middleton was pretty good, given the breeze probably reduced the catch by 10-15 birds.  10 each of new Sedge W and Whitethroat and a good variety including some old ringed Sedge and Reed Warbler as well as a Willow Warbler in rather early advanced moult (e.g. tailless!)

A couple of decent moths in an actinic on Middleton:

Not 100% sure of the first (conterminella?) but the second is the first Blue-bordered Carpet for SD45E.  Thanks Justine