Sunday, 6 May 2018

Mainly seabirds

Clear as a bell this am and landbirds were at a premium but the sea was covered pretty well (Pete Crooks, Jean Roberts and Nick Godden at SJ).  The saga of the ancient A ring on a Sedge Warbler is being resolved.  The string was donated to the group recently by an ex-ringer and used on a Sedge Warbler at Leighton Moss on 18/4/18 (hence bright new ring when we caught it) and it has now been caught three times at Middleton central marsh so presumably on territory there (male wing length) and a case of a minor overshoot to Leighton Moss on migration!

Pomarine Skua - lm ad flew low into the Bay about 0648 (Rossall at 0619, Stone Jetty at 0653)
Arctic Skua - lm ad in distantly at 0600
Arctic Tern - 45 in (7+14+15+2+7)
Common Scoter - 22 in and a few blogging at long range
Gannet - 1 distant
Guillemot - one off harbour mouth
Shag - 2CY roosting on wooden jetty
Pink-footed Goose - 24 NW
Red-throated Diver - 1 in
Sandwich Tern - 51 in, then later birds blogging (c70 in total)

Grey Seal and Harbour Porpoise

Lesser Redpoll - 2+ north
Pair of Little Grebe settling Middleton: