Sunday, 31 March 2019

Sandwich Tern

Our thoughts go to the families of those involved in the car accident alongside the reserve in late afternoon

Two Sandwich Tern far offshore in am fishing in the area forming the outer Kent channel but less expected were 3 plus 2 House Martin through Middleton NR

Just nine Pale bellied Brent today

Wheatear - about 5

Great white egret - one seen distantly from the south end of Ocean Edge flying across towards Colloway Marsh

No Kittiwake left

Ringing totals: a couple of minor Goldcrest arrivals but the main feature was a decent Robin total for us and also far more unringed Dunnock than expected.  In contrast finch passage was below par, especially Greenfinch and we ended up with the Dunnock/Robin/Blue and Great Tit total equalling the finch total - most unusual for March with the feeder in operation.  Top species: Goldcrest (42), Goldfinch (21), Robin (17), Chiffchaff (13), Blue Tit (8), Dunnock and Chaffinch (7), lesser Redpoll (6)