Friday 7 August 2020

Better insect variety

 The second warmish day in a row - what a summer! Light west breeze, overcast till the evening, then sunny spells.

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Water Rail 3 squealing - first since early summer

There where hardly any small birds around, until I encountered the mixed feeding flock, which is now larger than ever. Led by at least 30 Long-Tailed Tits and followed by Great, Blue and Coal Tits, plus several Willow Warbler, and probably Chiffchaff- 40 to 50 birds in total.

It would be nice to think that this Pheasant with a pink leg ring, obviously reared as a game bird, had decided the safest place to play the "game" is inside a Nature Reserve!

Butterflies included:
Small and Large White, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, Small Skipper, Peacock and the first of the second generation Common Blue
Common Blue

Common Darter, Brown Hawker, Emperor.

And the first two Migrant Hawker of the year.

Another nice moth from Kevin's trap - Four-spotted Footman
They are quite scarce in Lancashire.
This one was probably a migrant. 

Finally, Janet spotted this Lime Hawk Moth caterpillar on Heysham Nature Reserve this morning. Presumably, the blue appendage evolved to make it look intimidating.
It works!