Thursday 7 October 2021

More Whoopers

South fresh breeze, overcast all day with some showers.

South shore 
Red Nab to Saltmarsh (MD)
Mediterranean gulls 5 on Red Nab (3 adult/3rd calendar year plus 2 x 2nd calendar year)
Brent Geese 8 - low flying flock heading towards Potts Corner only seen from behind, so not possible to tell if pale or dark bellied. The timing of birds was similar to when they have left the children's play area in previous years. Might be worth a look tomorrow.
Wigeon 9
Rock Pipit 4 arguing, but they seemed to be the resident birds (Robins returning to territory are redefining boundaries)
There was some movement though:
Pink-Footed goose 30 initially south then east.
Wheatear 4
Meadow Pipit 17, as yesterday some straight through SE others grounded.
Skylark 1 south
Linnet 17 on saltmarsh but another 4 looked like movement.

Kevin and Alison did a check of the sea wall mid afternoon 
Whooper Swan 4 low along the sea wall 14:45.
Alison took this shot of one of today's Wheatears 

Kevin Singleton checked the old heliport wall, unfortunately just after he got there, the heavens opened! Still, a nice shot of the roosting Turnstone and Redshank.
Turnstone and Redshank 

I've added a new link to the sidebar for North West England Gull Project. We have had one of this scheme's Herring Gull in the harbour 1/03/21.
I've also added the link below, it's worth a look.