Heysham Obs
Pictures taken today by Simon Hawtin. Thanks Simon!

Same again - no seawatching was undertaken during the small window of tide and wind just after dawn: Just one 1st W Little Gull visible on the outfalls (but a lot of gulls on the mud between the two outfalls), c12 Shag in the harbour, Ad & 1st W Med Gulls along the NH wall in the morning, 2 1st W Kittiwake in the harbour and the long-staying adult on Heysham 2 outfall
Skerton Weir
Adult Med Gull briefly before flying towards Lancaster
Pine Lake
No sign of the odd Aythya seen at long range, mainly asleep, latish yesterday afternoon. This appeared to be a hybrid involving Ring-necked Duck and probably Tufted Duck and resembled a 1st W male Ring-necked [e.g. the current Gibraltar Point bird - see Birdguides photos etc] but with only a faint (but broad c/p Tufted) pale subterminal band on the bill, no hint of any pale fore-flank and a brief view of what appeared to be too white a wingbar. The 'stubby & (long) stifftailed' appearance caught the attention with the head profile also suggesting a Ring-necked input. Should have persevered with it yesterday, despite worsening light and long-range - PL has a history of one-day birds, irrespcctive of the overnight weather. This bird was associating with Pochard.
Drake Ruddy Duck still present but no sign of hybrid Ferruginous x Pochard

Same again - no seawatching was undertaken during the small window of tide and wind just after dawn: Just one 1st W Little Gull visible on the outfalls (but a lot of gulls on the mud between the two outfalls), c12 Shag in the harbour, Ad & 1st W Med Gulls along the NH wall in the morning, 2 1st W Kittiwake in the harbour and the long-staying adult on Heysham 2 outfall
Skerton Weir
Adult Med Gull briefly before flying towards Lancaster
Pine Lake
No sign of the odd Aythya seen at long range, mainly asleep, latish yesterday afternoon. This appeared to be a hybrid involving Ring-necked Duck and probably Tufted Duck and resembled a 1st W male Ring-necked [e.g. the current Gibraltar Point bird - see Birdguides photos etc] but with only a faint (but broad c/p Tufted) pale subterminal band on the bill, no hint of any pale fore-flank and a brief view of what appeared to be too white a wingbar. The 'stubby & (long) stifftailed' appearance caught the attention with the head profile also suggesting a Ring-necked input. Should have persevered with it yesterday, despite worsening light and long-range - PL has a history of one-day birds, irrespcctive of the overnight weather. This bird was associating with Pochard.
Drake Ruddy Duck still present but no sign of hybrid Ferruginous x Pochard
Gressingham bridge
4 swans visible distantly looking north on the east side of the river - presumably the Whoopers
Burn Moor
Female Hen Harrier at the north end late afternoon just above Crossdale Beck.
Burn Moor
Female Hen Harrier at the north end late afternoon just above Crossdale Beck.