Thursday, 5 March 2020

Signs of movement

Thursday provisional, hopefully more later.

Brent geese - there were at least 26 feeding in the corner of Heysham skeer at 13:00. Only checked from sea wall, but all appeared to be Pale-bellied

Middleton Nature Reserve
Little grebe now 3, one on main pond and two on "no swimming" pond
Redwing 6 feeding then flew off north - not regularly seen in spring passage.
Swan sp 3 honking birds very distant heading north, probably Whooper (MD)
Sparrowhawk 1 high north
Pinkfoot 7 NW
Cetti's warbler 1 singing from central marsh
Raven 1 in tree
Goldcrest at least 4

Stonechat 1 male along the road to the recycling centre (euphemistically signposted "Waste Technology Park" from the bypass). This is the eastern boundary of the recording area and proved to be a regular stop over for passing spring Stonechat last year.